Monday, September 27, 2010

Insanity - Day One

9.27.10 - Day 1 (62 more to go)
I'm doing it again.

Back in June, I started an exercise program called Insanity. Most of you have probably seen it advertised on TV by Beachbody (the same company that brought you P90X...which I also did, previous to this - I didn't really lose any weight/fat, though, so I decided I needed something with more cardio).

It went really well for about three weeks. I followed the eating guide and exercised five times a week (technically it was supposed to be six times, but I felt pretty good). And over the course of those three weeks, I actually lost about eight pounds (for you math majors out there, that's more than 2 pounds per week - not bad). I was starting to slim down, and Kristen kept telling me how great I was looking.

Then...I got sick (a cold or something), and stopped working out for a week or so. Then we started our last week of rehearsals for Pirates of Penzance, then we had the show every night, etc. etc. Anyway, long story short, I fell off the bandwagon and stopped exercising. Despite that, I've actually (mostly) kept the weight off.

Well, this morning I started back up on Insanity. And let me tell you - I hate it. Just like I did the first time. It seriously kicks my butt, and I'm drenched after every workout. But I'm determined to finish it all the way to the end. It's 9 weeks long (two sets of 4-week workouts, with a "recovery" week in between), so that's 63 days. I work out every morning around 7 a.m., then shower and weigh-in. My starting weight: 164.6 lbs. 15.4% body fat.

*originally I planned to make this one big long post on my main blog, but I don't think I can do that, because no one will read it (no one will probably read it anyway), so I've started another blog just to track my progress.


  1. I need a work out like that. Adi is over 5 months and I haven't done anything and I hate how much I weigh. I need to find something that I can do.

  2. Adam. I read. (Is that creepy? I hope not!) Good luck with your Insanity!! I'm sure you can see it through!

  3. Ha ha, I read everything you post...on whatever blog! :) I just don't always have time/brains to comment. Good luck to you! I have yet to think about a work out program to kick these last few baby pounds. :)

  4. Puh-leeze Janae. You didn't HAVE any baby weight to begin with. :)

    Marianne - not creepy at all. Thanks for the comments!

    Tay - that's why I'm working out. Kristen wanted to try getting the Zumba video, because it targets the female problem areas (hips and butt), and it's like you're not really working out - just dancing. So you trick yourself into working out. Me, I have to force myself to do it. :D

  5. Way to go Adam! I find it hard to believe that you have any fat to lose...but I'm all for making goals and working towards them. Props to you, oh Adam of Insanity :) Good luck!
