I've stopped being so meticulous about my records. I am less concerned about going the full fast day without eating, usually eating normally at dinnertime. I haven't had a full 36 hour fast in a few weeks now. But I'm still trending downwards, albeit more slowly.
There are a couple reasons for that. For one, now that I have been doing this for 12 weeks, I have a better understanding of what I'm eating, and how energy dense it is. I don't eat dessert that often, and if I'm planning on eating out, I usually fast the rest of the day. I know about how much I should eat to stay close to my calorie counts. I don't beat myself up for what I eat - I just am careful and course correct the next day if needed. I also have very rarely felt uncomfortably full (one of my downfalls in the past), because I don't overeat / have multiple servings of something if I'm satisfied.
Another reason is psychological - I hit the 20 lbs down mark (yay!), so I'm feeling much more confident in myself and my body at this point. I am looking much better than I did 12 weeks ago, and feeling better too. So I feel a little less need to do the full fast, instead opting more for an OMAD (one meal a day) option on those fast days.
The last reason is more personal. Last week, my grandfather passed away. It was not unexpected - he was 94 years old and has fought Alzheimer's for the past few years - but it's still hard losing someone you love and who has been such a big part of your life for so long. He was a pretty cool guy - take a look at his obituary to get a better idea of who he was. But having that happen made me focus a bit less on other things, like tracking all my calories.
I haven't stopped ADF as a result of all of these factors, but it's just lessened the importance of the tracking and weight loss aspects of it for me. The maintenance is still important, but I'm not as concerned with hitting that magic 155 number by Thanksgiving like I mentioned earlier.
Anyway, for those following my journey, it's still a journey. I'm still on the path, and I hope you're on your own path. It's about being a little better each day, and getting back on the bike each time you fall off. In whatever that may be.